MLAATM 5: Auto-vacuum
Kermit the human RSS feed showed us a video he found on the Internet of a French guy who has achieved total self-sufficiency. How shall I put this delicately? The appendage was of sufficient length as to allow subject to vacuum himself with very minimal contortion.
Bert: Wow, he’s cute And French.
Ernie: But he doesn’t need anyone.
Big Bird: He has nice eyes.
Grungella: That’s what you notice about this anatomical wonder? His eyes?
Big Bird: Do we have to watch this?
Everyone: Yes.
Big Bird: But there’s a lady present!
Grungella: The only lady here is you.
Bert: That’s Big Bird. He’s half-manang, half-manyak.
Kermit: Question. Technically that guy (in the video) is having sex with a guy. Does that make him gay?
Ernie: No, because it’s with himself.
Later I put this conundrum to Cookie Monster.
Cookie Monster: No, but it makes him a cannibal. He’s eating his own children.
Grungella: What are you, a Vatican fundamentalist?
Cookie Monster: Who’s that guy in Greek mythology who swallowed his own children?
Grungella: Cronos. Hey, nerdiness Is contagious!
April 14th, 2008 at 21:54
So where’s the video? :)