Indiana Jones and the Marketers of Ka-ching
The new, highly-anticipated Indiana Jones movie is called Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. (Highly-anticipated especially by me, since real life is not up to movie standards—I listened to two archaeologists yesterday and neither one had a fedora or a bullwhip. Although I was tempted to let a snake loose during the lecture. . .) According to the posters it opens May 22. The whole production is shrouded in secrecy, but we can assume it’s about the Aztec or Mayan crystal skulls, twelve of which are known to exist.
Now the Musée du Quai Branly in Paris has announced that the crystal skull in its collection is a fake. It’s not ancient Central American, but 19th century Alpine. But they’re still going to put the crystal skull in a special exhibition to coincide with the Indy movie’s release. It will be “hidden” in the museum, and visitors can try to find it. Alors, le museum has picked up ze lesson from ze Louvre’s handling of Le Da Vinci Code: Oui, it is absurd! Heedeeous, vraiment, but les touristes zey love it. Kacheeng-kacheeng.
Does this finding affect Indy’s box-office? Hell no, unless you believe he found the Ark of the Covenant and when the Nazis opened it their faces melted.
May 2nd, 2008 at 11:20
There’s this rumor going around, that Indy 4 will deal with things related to Roswell. I don’t know why, but ‘The X-Files’ is popping in my mind. I don’t know where the skull would fit in, but It’s Indy.
May 4th, 2008 at 03:23
Harrison Ford now has something in common with Sylvester Stallone, Bruce Willis, and Arnold Schwarzenegger — action stars making sequels to really old blockbusters. At which sequel will they realize that they’re too old to be chasing after or running away from mad men? Or, in Stallone’s case, be punched on the face?