A sweet present from a feral cat
Apart from my three cats who live with me, I feed three cats who hang around my building. I call them Janko, Jarko, and Purdy (her name is Phoebe but she’s a purdy girl). Lately only Jarko has been appearing daily, and when I serve dry kibble (the same stuff my cats eat) he does not look happy. He leaves his food half-finished.
Jarko Jarndyce, neighborhood badass.
Sunday was Mat’s birthday so the cats had special treats. Jarko got a bowl of canned tuna (Tuna for cats is more expensive and less fatty than tuna for humans). He ate it all up. At midnight he returned. I opened the door to give him some more food. Jarko was sitting next to another furry creature. I thought, Oh great, he’s brought a friend. Then I realized what the critter was.
It was a huge dead rat!
It was almost as big as Jarko!
I gather he’d caught and killed it, then carried it up the stars as a gift for me, his human friend. Cats do that. If they trust you they present you with dead animals. It’s like a hunter presenting you with game hens or a wild boar.
My cats have nothing to hunt but the occasional butiki so they bring me their stuffed toys. Koosi used to drop her toys in the toilet bowl to see where they’d end up. She’s a physicist.
Saffy, Koosi, and the animals they “hunted”: a koala keychain and a toy tarsier.
I thanked Jarko for the gift, then called the guard to take the rat corpse away before it started stinking up the place and the building admin blamed it on the cat.
August 18th, 2009 at 08:13
My cats used to scratch on my bedroom door to present me with weekly gifts of ipis, too. I only stopped screeching after finding out that cats really do that to their masters as a token of their affection. =\
August 18th, 2009 at 09:54
sweet naman ni Jarko :)
August 20th, 2009 at 03:29
One problem posed by my male cat:he sprays on everything! He didn’t do this when he was younger,but once I adopted another younger male cat he started marking his “territories”. The casualty list so far includes:the sofa,the walls,the fridge and other solid objects. Sometimes when I’m reading he’d rub against my legs. Then I’d feel something swishing down there. He’s marking me!