Personal blog of Jessica Zafra, author of The Collected Stories and the Twisted series

Archive for July, 2011

My pocket cinematheque

July 12, 2011 By: jessicazafra Category: Movies, Notebooks 1 Comment →

Paperblanks hardcover notebook, 6.5 x 9 cm


The Weekly LitWit Challenge 6.4: Cheese and Sensibility

July 11, 2011 By: jessicazafra Category: Books, Contest 5 Comments →

Thanks to everyone who participated in LitWit Challenge 6.3: Letters to your ex, part 2. A few amateur observations:

1. Some of you are still bitter and angry. Usually if you wish them dead it means you are not over them.
2. If you wrote really long letters to them it could mean you are still explaining the breakup to yourself because you are not over them.
3. If you wrote maudlin, self-pitying letters to them, we have a pretty good idea why they left.
4. Yes, they were shits. Ask yourself why you were attracted to a shit. When you’ve figured it out, forgive yourself and resolve not to do it again.
5. My druid told me that the real reason we embark on relationships is to discover things about ourselves that we wouldn’t have discovered on our own. Think about that the next time you complain that you gave everything or did all the work.

I just saw nine episodes of Game of Thrones in one night. (Updated)

July 10, 2011 By: jessicazafra Category: Books, Television 11 Comments →

Add the season premiere I saw in May and that means I am done with the series. And I’m alive! Even if many of the major characters are not.

Quick reactions (I’m sleepy):

1. My love for Peter Dinklage/Tyrion Lannister is undimmed since the first episode. What a voice! What panache! Appropriately, he gets the best lines.
2. The series is much better-written than the books. Confession: I hurled the first book across the room unfinished. It had exceeded my cliche-stilted dialogue-purple prose tolerance level for the last time.

Photo from

3. I knew I’d seen Littlefinger in a series, I just couldn’t remember which. My friend said Queer As Folk but I never saw Queer As Folk so finally we googled him and of course! He was Mayor Thomas Carcetti in The Wire!
4. We took a break from testosterone after four episodes to watch Neil Patrick Harris’s opening number at the Tony Awards, Not Just For Gays Anymore. Brilliant! Then we fast-forwarded to Hugh Jackman’s dance number. Much discussion ensued.
5. Needs more direwolf!
6. Here’s a GOT drinking game: Every time there’s a sex scene or frontal nudity, take a shot.
7. Although the series abounds in evil, cruel, scheming characters, the one I want to slap around is the stupid simpering girl.
8. And I’d like to drop an anvil on (Spoiler) Joffrey that inbred little prick. What made ___’s death more horrendous was the fact that it didn’t come in battle or at the hands of a “worthy” adversary but from the inbred little shit. No dignity in that death.
9. Did we need to see the simple-minded giant and the wine merchant stark naked? Or Littlefinger directing the prostitutes (totally gratuitous)? The creepiest scene is not the one of Cersei banging relative A or relative B, but of the madwoman breastfeeding her four-year-old. Eek!
10. What have we learned from ten episodes of Game of Thrones? That honor and mercy will get you and your loved ones killed. That courage is no match for cunning. That weakness is a stratagem for survival (but what kind of life is that). That the tiniest old slights are never forgotten. That people will follow the money. That marriage is complicated. That dwarves kick ass.

A bookshelf you can live in

July 09, 2011 By: jessicazafra Category: Books, Design 3 Comments →

House of Shelves. Thanks to Jackie for the alert.

Auntie Janey’s Old Fashioned Agony Column # 20: If you beg him to come back I will hunt you down and bitch-slap you.

July 08, 2011 By: jessicazafra Category: Re-lay-shun-ships 21 Comments →

Warning: This post is illustrated with a video featuring men dancing with no shirts on.

Dear Auntie Janey,

I’ve been seeking advice from support groups and other so-called relationship experts about this matter. However, nothing seems to help me out. You see, it’s been more than a month since my worst nightmare happened. My boyfriend and I have been together for over five years. He’s almost 25 years old and I’m almost 24. However, he still lives by his family’s rules.

He is such a momma’s boy, and his whole family is so rude. We can’t even go on a vacation without his whole family’s approval. He’s already working and we’ve lived together for almost a year—secretly. His family found out, however, and stormed over to our apartment and called me names. They yelled at me, mocked me, insulted me, cursed me. They also went to my mother’s house, without invitation, to say things about me. They even kicked stuff around the apartment and forced my boyfriend to go home with them. They would not leave without him. I told them that they have no right to act that way because that was my apartment too; but they said that they have every right to do whatever they want because he (my boyfriend) is their son and his apartment is also theirs. WTF, right?

Don’t you hate it when people say, “We have no comment”? Well we have no comment.

July 07, 2011 By: jessicazafra Category: Rugby 12 Comments →

And that’s the comment.