Cats vs. male models
Us: What was that on your neck?
Mat: What?
Us: A black dot, like an insect. Was that a louse?
Mat: I do not have lice.
Us: It hid in your fur! (Fur inspection)
Mat: I do not have lice.
Us: How can you have lice? We applied the spot-on treatment to all you cats a month ago. And you didn’t have lice then.
Mat: I do not have lice. You are imagining things.
Us: It could be sucking your blood! Do you feel ill?
Mat: Well I am hungry.
Us: No, you’re not. You ate five minutes ago.
Mat: Maybe the lice consumed all the nutrients so I need more food.
Us: You’re not hungry.
Mat: I am if I have lice.
(Unscheduled grooming of all feline residents follows. No lice detected.)
Reminder: It’s summer, time to give the animals their anti-tick thingies.
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Our cats are generally well-behaved (lazy) unless they know we’re bringing them to the vet, whereupon they howl and act like they’re being kidnapped. But sometimes we’re awakened at 5am by a massive ball of fluff landing on us. Wild rumpus! They’re chasing each other across the house, screeching and air-fighting (where they make like they’re scratching each other but don’t make actual contact). Our house turns into Where The Wild Things Are. (Not to be confused with Lord of the Flies, which they do sometimes when we’re away for more than a week.)
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Brilliant site: Des Hommes et des Chatons. Male models vs. Cats!
Verdict: The cat has the more intellectual expression. Also, he’s reading words and the guy is looking at pictures.
April 29th, 2013 at 14:37
ehehe mas pogi pa ung mga pusa.
April 30th, 2013 at 09:34
I don’t see why one has to choose. The cat does have a better “come hither” look, though.
May 4th, 2013 at 15:52
The post is about cats so I thought I’d share this: