Every movie we see #62. Transformers 4: Ubusan ng Lahi
Movie #61: Noah by Darren Aronofsky. Don’t think of it as a tale from the Old Testament, think of it as a bizarre origin story with pretty boys in skinny jeans and ancient Transformers.
Transformers 4: Age of Extinction is the latest installment in a blockbuster series about cars and trucks that turn into giant robots from outer space. If you expect it to make sense, you’re insane. Plus it’s directed by Michael Bay. All Michael Bay movies are about his (redacted because Transformers 4 is for General Patronage).
True, the movie might have seemed more rational if I could remember what happened in Transformers 3, but all I recall is chaos, explosions, and hardware. Which pretty much sums up the entire Transformers movie franchise. Confessions: I really enjoyed the first one, and applauded when the evil one announced, “I…am…Megatron!” Imagine my disappointment when Megatron turned up in a subsequent episode wearing a very large scarf apparently borrowed from Rita Gomez, accompanied by a noisy bird. I also prepared my tear ducts in expectation of the moment in the cartoons where Optimus Prime dies. In the second movie he died for about two minutes then is revived…because it’s a movie.
June 28th, 2014 at 23:19
It was pure Michael Bay so I did like it for what it was. Especially since those “legends” in the end are my favorite Transformers of all.
Still, I could not help but think, while watching Mark Wahlberg’d onscreen daughter, “Why is Tara Reid orange?”