Gnu lenses
Olympus Pen E-P1 with all the accoutrements; string toy not included
After Friday’s interview and point-and-shoot, I got to thinking: What if I really have to photograph a herd of wildebeest at the watering hole? I can’t use my dinky cameras, the beasts would laugh at me. (Hey I’ve never been to Africa, and I have every intention of going.) Luckily my friend lent me his new Olympus Pen E-P1, a properly badass piece of photographic equipment. True, it took me 20 minutes to figure out how to make the lens retract, but I now look like a well-equipped amateur rather than a rank amateur. So wildebeests, practice those smiles.
Indoor uses of a telephoto lens: Say you’re at a very interesting talk, you’re seated near the back of the hall, and you can’t take notes fast enough. Take out camera, fire up the monster lens, and snap photos of the Powerpoint presentation and other visual aids.
November 11th, 2009 at 22:45
I am drooling.