The battle against the ants, year 2
Koosi: I would prefer not to have ants in my food, even if they are protein.
It’s still cool in the evening but summer is approaching: I know because the ants are back. They were swarming over the cats’ food bowls so I put the bowls on plates of water (to create a moat). Now the ants swarm over bits of kibble that fall out of the bowls. Koosi and Saffy are very neat eaters, but Mat eats like the Cookie Monster: Kibble! Harumnumnumnumnum, food flying.
Citronella still works on ants, although I’m tired of having everything smell like linen spray. I don’t want to kill the ants, I just want them to move somewhere else. Then ants attacked the allegedly antproof kibble dispenser—true, we’ve had that dispenser for 7 years, so whatever antproofing treatment it had must’ve worn out. Today I looked for an airtight, vacuum-sealed container to store dry cat food in. Sounds simple enough, but the ones I found at Rustan’s Supermarket and Make Room were ridiculously expensive. I got this at True Value, I hope it works.
I had to scour the shelves myself because the service at True Value in Rockwell is terrible; there were lots of sales clerks standing around, but no one even asked me why I’d been examining containers for half an hour. Guess they couldn’t be bothered with making a sale. Finally one supervisor-type noticed the customer, and he had to order a clerk to take the case down from the stack and show it to me for crying out loud.
January 24th, 2010 at 10:02
have you tried ant poison? a small bottle of “terro” (available at ace hardware) was enough to wipe out the entire ant colony outside our house. i emptied the contents along the ant trails, they came out in droves, next day they were gone. if you can find the trails outside your apartment your pets won’t be at risk.
January 24th, 2010 at 13:05
Really love your writing style! It is because of you that I started my own blog!Ü