To do this week
1. Little Miss Sunshine opens on Wednesday. Steve Carell plays suicidal gay Proust scholar. Genius.
2. And the Tenacious D movie! Anything with Jack Black. He’s also in a romantic comedy with Kate Winslet and Jude Law. One of these things is not like the others—
3. Bend your mind a little, see Rico Maria Ilarde’s Sa Ilalim ng Cogon, opening Wednesday at Robinson’s Galleria’s Indiesine. You can not predict where this story is going, and that’s a good thing.
4. Get cracking on shorter Dostoevsky novels before launching major assault on his doorstoppers (the new translations). Hugh Aplin’s translation of The Gambler is riveting. And it’s short!
5. Buy silver and metal polish, shine earrings.
6. Do your podcast for crying out loud. May have to kidnap Adel, Budj and Jobert for this.
7. Watch everyone frantically scurrying around with their Xmas shopping. Plan to flee the country for the holidays, preferably someplace without Xmas. (Reminder: Always bring reading matter and iPod. Traffic (vehicular and human) horrific.)
8. Annual reading of my favorite Xmas novel, The Catcher In The Rye.
9. Avoid the crowds in restaurants. Dine at your friends’ houses.
10. The usual deadlines, which you will meet but no one else will.
December 11th, 2006 at 17:29
I have yet to find a short dostoevsky novel, i got nauseated reading the idiot, crime and punishment and the brothers karamazov.not only because they were too long, they were also mindblowing and influential!
OT:is there a website that sells your books?the one that ships to the US?