The battle against the ants, year 2
Koosi: I would prefer not to have ants in my food, even if they are protein.
It’s still cool in the evening but summer is approaching: I know because the ants are back. They were swarming over the cats’ food bowls so I put the bowls on plates of water (to create a moat). Now the ants swarm over bits of kibble that fall out of the bowls. Koosi and Saffy are very neat eaters, but Mat eats like the Cookie Monster: Kibble! Harumnumnumnumnum, food flying.
Citronella still works on ants, although I’m tired of having everything smell like linen spray. I don’t want to kill the ants, I just want them to move somewhere else. Then ants attacked the allegedly antproof kibble dispenser—true, we’ve had that dispenser for 7 years, so whatever antproofing treatment it had must’ve worn out. Today I looked for an airtight, vacuum-sealed container to store dry cat food in. Sounds simple enough, but the ones I found at Rustan’s Supermarket and Make Room were ridiculously expensive. I got this at True Value, I hope it works.
I had to scour the shelves myself because the service at True Value in Rockwell is terrible; there were lots of sales clerks standing around, but no one even asked me why I’d been examining containers for half an hour. Guess they couldn’t be bothered with making a sale. Finally one supervisor-type noticed the customer, and he had to order a clerk to take the case down from the stack and show it to me for crying out loud.