Dickens’s people: Pip
Douglas Booth as Pip in the 2011 BBC adaptation of Great Expectations.
Sometimes the hero of a Dicken’s novel is amongst its least colourful and dynamically interesting characters but Pip is a portrait of real psychological depth and complexity. His slow journey towards self-knowledge is a masterpiece of first person narration, the sound of someone talking to themselves, rather than a writer addressing a reader.
Favourite Dickens Characters in The Telegraph.
February 4th, 2012 at 21:17
This is an interesting series in the Guardian– I will go through it after I finish reading Great Expectations (am past the halfway mark).
(I feel that the actor in the photo is too pretty and dandy-looking to play Pip. I imagined Pip to be plainer-looking — after all, he was a blacksmith’s apprentice in a rural town. And there are some online reviews disparaging his acting in this miniseries.)