Coloring books for clever kids or adults who need therapy
Crayons, 96 colors, Php409 at National Bookstores
Your crayon coloring technique says a lot about you. As a kid we would press the crayon heavily onto the page, leaving a thick layer of color, and then we would scrape off the layers so the color would look light. Why didn’t we just color lightly, then? We don’t know.
We went through several boxes of crayons that way. You know those 48-color sets that came in a box with a built-in sharpener? We kept sharpening the crayons till nothing was left.
Why didn’t we have these coloring books when we were kids?
August 29th, 2014 at 16:27
How about a Tom Hiddleston coloring book? Haha.
September 1st, 2014 at 15:10
Immediately I thought of you when I read this. Maybe next year they will show Cumberbatch’s sold-out Hamlet. (While at it, they ought to screen Fassbender’s Macbeth as well.)