Starting Monday: The Defenestrations, a serial with many authors, including you!
This is the window at Prague Castle where the Defenestrations of 1618 happened. Photo from Wikimedia Commons, poster by Bubblestan.
How it works:
1. “Defenestration” is the act of throwing someone out of a window. The Defenestrations is a serial novel that begins in Prague, site of the most famous defenestrations in history. Each chapter is written by a different author.
The Defenestrations begins on Monday, 21 January.
Every week, we will post a fresh installment that ends with the question, What Happens Next? followed by two options.
Yeah, we got the idea from Bandersnatch in Black Mirror and interactive mystery plays.
2. You, the reader, get to choose the option that appeals to you.
3. The option that gets the most votes will be the basis of the new chapter that appears the following week.
The option that gets fewer votes will appear in the new chapter the week after that.
4. Every new chapter ends with two options, so one beginning results in many different endings.
5. If you’d like to join our serial writers pool, email us at or DM @jessicazafrascats.
6. Don’t throw your ideas out the window!